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Members Rides - the Vans of California Street Vans

Across Southern California and across the world here are some of the vans that have joined in the #Friendsvansfunnnn

Most recently we are stoked to welcome our first Japanese member!


CSV is-


15 Inland Empire Vans (IE rules!) .. or maybe a few more.. we like hoarding vans!

4 OC vans

5 Los Angeles Vans

1 Ventura Van

5 SD Vans


1 Montana Van


7 English Vans


1 South African Van


1 Danish Van


4 ( maybe more! ) German vans


1 Japanese Van

Marcy- IE


Jim B- OC


Julian- England


Steve & Tina- England


Steve & Tina- England


Reiner- South Africa


Johnny- IE


Chris- IE


Jim T- IE